Students in our younger grades are held to reasonable expectations for their age groups. We look for growth and improvement not only in their academic accomplishments, but in their personal and spiritual successes as well.
Tuition is
1 student: $4,000 per year or $400 per month for ten months
2+ students: $5,750 per year or $575 per month for ten months
Payment are due beginning in August and run through May. Year-long payments can be approved by administration. Payments can be paid weekly or bi-monthly as well. Late fees will be added for those who are unable to pay tuition or other fees on time.
Single $100.00 Family $150.00
Enrollment fees are non-refundable. Placement for students is secured once paid.
$250 per family, per year
Resource fees cover books and building technology needs. This also includes a free yearbook per family and a student planner per child. Fees are due at the start of each semester and are non-refundable.
We do NOT accept vouchers or any funding from the state. Instead, we accept applications for those who are seeking assistance. We want to make a Christian education possible for everyone!
Contact the administrator for an appointment so all involved (parents/guardians, child or children, and administrator) might become acquainted and discuss academic possibilities. Email our office to set up an appointment at or call (317) 728-0306.
Complete and bring the information on the enrollment form and student testimony pages (below), or complete the form provided at your tour.
Carefully review FCCS’s handbook to evaluate whether the mission and focus of FCCS are what you want for your child(ren). You can read our handbook by clicking on the file below.
Contact Pastor Nanney at to set up a second appointment. Complete the enrollment forms provided at the first interview, bring letters of recommendation, make copies of previous report cards, copies of scores from any standardized testing results, and/or transcripts, and deliver them to the school. Official transcripts will follow after acceptance.
Testing will concentrate on the core subjects of math and English and can take place during the initial interview. Not all prospective students will be tested. A follow-up interview may be needed for testing.
Families will be notified of the final decision regarding acceptance. Once enrollment fees are paid, the student has a secured spot for the upcoming year.
Faith Community Christian School admits students of any race, color, national origin, and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship, and athletic and other school-administered programs.
Faith Community Christian School is committed to the United States of America, its founding documents, and the protection of religious freedom in America. Therefore, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and other original documents will be respected, honored, and studied as the political basis for our freedom to worship, live, educate, and evangelize as we see fit.
Faith Community Christian School affirms the inherent call to evangelism that is foundational to the Christian faith. Therefore, FCCS will teach the gospel of Christ to its students and will cultivate the Biblical mandate of evangelism in the educational process.
With that said, Faith Community Christian School has some limitations. We cannot function as a facility of rehabilitation whereby parents seek to enroll their children in a Christian school environment to address emerging patterns of undesirable behavior. Our first priority is to our current students, as we must protect their learning environment and safety.
We want ALL students to succeed, but we are currently not equipped to instruct students with lengthy or complicated IEPs, who score high on the spectrum, or who have special needs that require an aide. We can connect students to local public school specialists for additional support, but we simply don't have the professionals to assist students with additional needs.